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Manor Early College High School

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TSI, Summer Bridge, and Expectations

TSI (Texas Succes Initiative)

TSI = Texas Success Initiative. Computer-adaptive test = Difficulty changes depending on student achievement. Students must pass the TSI in order to enroll in college courses through ACC.


Students must pass the reading and writing portion of the TSI their Freshman year. (They will take the Math portion of the TSI their Junior year)
  • Reading Passing Score: 351+
  • Writing Passing Score: 5+ on the essay or 4 on the essay and 340+ on the multiple choice

When can you take the TSI?

Students will be given many opportunities to take the TSI test...

  • During the mandatory Summer Bridge
  • During TSI prep class on appointed dates

TSI Resource Center
TSI Reading Help
TSI Helpful Resources
TSI Study Guides
How to read your TSI Scores.

Summer Bridge

Summer Bridge is an introduction into Early College High School. During Summer Bridge, students learn:

  • Early College Culture & Expectations

  • Strategies for TSI Reading and Writing
  • Enrollment for Austin Community College (For TSI passers)

Students take the TSI at the summer bridge.

  • If a student passes the TSI in summer bridge, they will be enrolled in EDUC 1300.
  • Otherwise, they enrolled in the “College Transition” class. Students will learn college readiness skills and continue to take their TSI until they pass, but will remain in the college transition class for the remainder of the semester.